The ongoing accessibility offered by smart phone apps is enhancing all kinds of activities and experience, and an addiction recovery app can ensure you are not left out of this technological tsunami of opportunities. Of course accessing web sites on the move is convenient and helpful, but dedicated apps are Continue Reading

Take It Online!

“The evidence around the recovery process is that people need three things to succeed: social connection, motivation, and confidence. Digital resources can help with all three,” Gardner said. “If you have a digital life, you should think about weaving recovery in, just like you want to weave recovery into all Continue Reading

Mindfulness and Recovery

From respected academics to revered specialist practitioners, Mindfulness (as a regular practice) is widely accepted as a practical and realistic stress reduction technique. In many countries medical schemes are willing to cover Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programs accepting the growing body of evidence supporting it’s efficacy. Still in early Continue Reading