As the (No)Buzz Lightyear”s that are the heroes of Dry January consider their missions into to sobriety and beyond (Parched March anyone?), we thought we would highlight some relatively new approaches in the recovery universe. The 12 Step fellowships work for a lot of people. They will continue working for Continue Reading


The Scottish Recovery Consortium (SRC) are at it again. One of our favourite recovery organisations in the world have announced yet another initiative to support recovery wherever you are. A free recovery workbook, free to everyone. Just click here and download the pdf. The SRC’s innovative ideas and practices deserve Continue Reading


The “miracle pill”, baclofen has been on our radar for some time. Originally designed and widely used to treat muscle spasms it has been hailed by some as the cure for alcoholism. Like other harm reduction medications it has both supporters and detractors, but this new study from the Nederland Continue Reading


When it comes to addiction the never-ending debate about “disease model” or brain disease, moral failing or trauma reaction causes a lot of confusion. The continued disagreements around the “causes”of addiction and the efficacy of addiction treatment, 12 Step programs, faith based solutions, medication and therapy models just add to Continue Reading

Visions of Peace – Visions of Recovery

A review of The Peacemaker, a new documentary by James Demo. Anyone who has experience of 12 Step based Recovery will have heard the oft repeated lament, ‘if only the whole World did the Steps things would be so much better.’ At ORA we always emphasize two things. Firstly, most Continue Reading

Recovery Advocacy Week – Opening Up Recovery

Those of us who have found a path in Recovery, or are just setting out on the journey often face a dilemma when it comes to disclosure about our problem. Sadly this often means we also remain silent about our solution. Openly sharing with others our “status” can be a Continue Reading

Mindfulness and Recovery

From respected academics to revered specialist practitioners, Mindfulness (as a regular practice) is widely accepted as a practical and realistic stress reduction technique. In many countries medical schemes are willing to cover Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programs accepting the growing body of evidence supporting it’s efficacy. Still in early Continue Reading

Do You Want To Be Happy Or Right?

I made sense of my addiction to alcohol and drug use (not specific drugs) through the so called ‘Disease Model‘ which explains the problem as an illness, most directly comparable to other relapse prone conditions such as diabetes, asthma and hyper-tension. Although the Disease Model is widely used throughout the addiction Continue Reading

All About Recovery – How I stopped drinking and recovery started working:

After 30 years of continuous drinking and drug use I got sober. I spent the last of the little money I had on four months of residential treatment. The only reason I took that path was because a dear friend, who had been given 6 months to live (at the Continue Reading